Career Opportunities in Open Source #Outreachy #Week-7

Career Opportunities in Open Source #Outreachy #Week-7

This week we are discussing career prospects for someone in tech in open source. I am currently a Full Stack Developer. I love what I do, I also want to explore other facets of the Tech Industry. Not so long ago I came across a role called 'Product Manager' and that has been intriguing for quite some time. I have also recently graduated college so I am in the early stage of my career.

Before I decide to stick to one job role and go all in, I want to explore other things that I find interesting. Hence, I want to jump into a PM role to get a holistic picture of how engineering translates to business. I am also learning product management through some udemy courses and am in the process to make a portfolio as a showcase of my work while applying for PM roles.

Once the Outreachy internship is over, I am open to full-time roles, both in Software Development and Product Management. I am not sure how many or if any roles for remote product management are available that too in open source but I am looking forward to what life has to offer optimistically.